false`: ignore all log events on this channel. # - `channel => level`: record all events of this level or higher to udp2log and logstash. # Special case: `channel => debug` will not log to logstash. # - `channel => [ # 'udp2log'=>level, # 'logstash'=>level, # 'eventbus'=>level, # 'sample'=>rate, # 'buffer'=>buffer # ]` # - $wmgUseEventBus: Whether EventBus extension is enabled on the wiki # # Default for all channels for fields not otherwise specified: # ``` # [ # 'udp2log' = >'debug', # 'logstash' = >'info', # 'eventbus' => false, # 'sample' => false, # 'buffer' => false, # ] # ``` # # Valid levels: 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', false. # # Note: Sampled logs will not be sent to Logstash! # # Note: Udp2log events are sent to udp://{$wmgUdp2logDest}/{$channel}. # Ultimately they end up in logfiles on mwlog1001. # # - $wmgUdp2logDest: udp2log host and port. # - $wmgLogAuthmanagerMetrics: Controls additional authmanager logging. # use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory; use Wikimedia\MWConfig\XWikimediaDebug; // Logstash servers running syslog endpoint to collect log events. // Use false to disable all Logstash logging $wmgEnableLogstash = true; function wmfApplyDebugLoggingHacks() { if ( getenv( 'MW_DEBUG_LOCAL' ) ) { // Route all log messages to a local file $logFile = '/tmp/wiki.log'; $handlers = [ 'debugLogging' ]; } elseif ( XWikimediaDebug::getInstance()->hasOption( 'log' ) ) { global $wmgUdp2logDest; // Forward all log messages to logstash for debugging. // See . $logFile = "udp://{$wmgUdp2logDest}/XWikimediaDebug"; $handlers = [ 'debugLogging', 'logstash-debug' ]; } else { // No changes to normal logging config return; } global $wgDebugDumpSql; $wgDebugDumpSql = true; global $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi; $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi['args'][0]['handlers'] += [ 'debugLogging' => [ 'class' => \MediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LegacyHandler::class, 'args' => [ $logFile ], 'formatter' => 'line', ], ]; // Override all default loggers (as if setting `$wmgMonologChannels = []`) $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi['args'][0]['loggers'] = [ '@default' => [ 'handlers' => $handlers, 'processors' => array_keys( $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi['args'][0]['processors'] ), ], ]; } function wmfGetLoggingConfig() { global $wmgExtraLogFile, $wmgEnableExtraLogFile, $wmgMonologChannels, $wmgUseEventBus, $wmgUdp2logDest, $wmgLogAuthmanagerMetrics, $wmgUseWikimediaEvents, $wmgEnableLogstash; // T124985: The Processors listed in $monologProcessors are applied to // a message list order (top to bottom) since 1.41.0-wmf.30 (19b97fd575). // // The `wmfconfig` processor injects `normalized_message` which must be listed // *before* the psr processor since we want to retain the log placeholders for // log deduplication (T349086). $monologProcessors = [ // Injects wiki, MediaWiki version, request id etc 'wiki' => [ 'class' => \MediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\WikiProcessor::class, ], // Additional fields injected before processing eg placeholders in log // messages. 'wmfconfig' => [ 'factory' => static function () { return static function ( array $record ) { // Like Monolog\Processor\WebProcessor, but without 'unique_id' (per T253677). // And without 'ip' (per T114700). // // Ref // Ref if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { $record['extra'] += [ 'url' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? null, 'http_method' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? null, 'server' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?? null, 'referrer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? null, ]; } // T215350: add PHP version information $record['extra']['phpversion'] = phpversion(); // T255627: add label for the server group the current server belongs to. // This is exposed by Apache configuration defined in Puppet profile::mediawiki::httpd. // Its value is that of the Hiera 'cluster' key in Puppet (e.g. "appserver", "parsoid", etc). // For pods running on Kubernetes, the servergroup is determined by the value of // the php.servergroup Helm setting and will be prefixed by "kube-" (e.g. // operations/deployment-charts:helmfile.d/services/mwdebug/values.yaml). // // This is not set on CLI (e.g. deploy, maint, snapshot). // // Ref $record['extra']['servergroup'] = $_SERVER['SERVERGROUP'] ?? 'other'; /** * Add a "normalized_message" field to log records. * * Field is the first 255 chars of 'message' after stripping out * anchor tags which are sometimes inserted in error and warning * messages by PHP. If applied before PsrLogMessageProcessor, * placeholders in the message will be left unexpanded which can * reduce variance of messages that expand to include per-request * details such as session ids. * * We rely on the placeholders not being expanded to deduplicate * log messages (T349086). */ $nm = $record['message']; if ( strpos( $nm, '[^<]*|", '', $nm ); } // Trim to <= 255 chars $record['extra']['normalized_message'] = substr( $nm, 0, 255 ); // Adds the database shard name (e.g. s1, s2, ...) global $wgLBFactoryConf, $wgDBname; $record['extra']['shard'] = $wgLBFactoryConf['sectionsByDB'][$wgDBname] ?? 's3'; return $record; }; }, ], 'psr' => [ 'class' => \Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor::class, ], ]; $monologHandlers = []; if ( $wmgEnableExtraLogFile ) { $monologHandlers['extraLogFile'] = [ 'class' => \MediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LegacyHandler::class, 'args' => [ $wmgExtraLogFile ], 'formatter' => 'line', ]; } $supportedLogLevels = [ 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error' ]; foreach ( $supportedLogLevels as $logLevel ) { $monologHandlers[ "udp2log-$logLevel" ] = [ 'class' => \MediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LegacyHandler::class, 'args' => [ "udp://{$wmgUdp2logDest}/{channel}", false, $logLevel ], 'formatter' => 'line', ]; } if ( $wmgEnableLogstash ) { foreach ( $supportedLogLevels as $logLevel ) { $monologHandlers[ "logstash-$logLevel" ] = [ 'class' => \MediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\SyslogHandler::class, 'formatter' => 'cee', 'args' => [ // tag 'mediawiki', // host '', // port 10514, // facility LOG_USER, // log level threshold $logLevel, ], ]; } } $monologFormatters = [ 'line' => [ 'class' => \MediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\LineFormatter::class, 'args' => [ "%datetime% [%extra.reqId%] %extra.host% %extra.wiki% %extra.mwversion% %channel% %level_name%: %message% %context% %exception%\n", 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u', // allowInlineLineBreaks true, // ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra true, // includeStacktraces true, ], ], 'cee' => [ 'class' => \MediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\CeeFormatter::class, 'args' => [ 'mediawiki', php_uname( 'n' ), '', '', 1 ], ], ]; $monologLoggers = []; // Add logging channels defined in $wmgMonologChannels foreach ( $wmgMonologChannels as $channel => $opts ) { if ( $opts === false ) { // Log channel disabled on this wiki $monologLoggers[$channel] = [ 'handlers' => [], ]; continue; } $opts = is_array( $opts ) ? $opts : [ 'udp2log' => $opts ]; // Defaults $opts += [ 'udp2log' => 'debug', 'eventbus' => false, 'sample' => false, 'buffer' => false, ]; $opts += [ 'logstash' => ( $opts['udp2log'] !== 'debug' ) ? $opts['udp2log'] : 'info', ]; // Sampled logs are never passed to logstash if ( $opts['sample'] !== false ) { $opts['logstash'] = false; } $handlers = []; if ( $opts['udp2log'] ) { $handlers[] = "udp2log-{$opts['udp2log']}"; if ( $wmgEnableExtraLogFile ) { // T117019: Send messages to extra handler location as well // This is for messages from regular traffic to testwikis. $handlers[] = 'extraLogFile'; } } if ( $opts['eventbus'] && $wmgUseEventBus ) { $eventBusHandler = "eventbus-{$opts['eventbus']}"; // Register handler that will only pass events of the given log level $monologHandlers[$eventBusHandler] ??= [ 'class' => \MediaWiki\Extension\EventBus\Adapters\Monolog\EventBusMonologHandler::class, 'args' => [ // EventServiceName 'eventgate-analytics' ] ]; $handlers[] = $eventBusHandler; } // Configure Logstash handler if ( $opts['logstash'] && $wmgEnableLogstash ) { $level = $opts['logstash']; $logstashHandler = "logstash-{$level}"; if ( isset( $monologHandlers[ $logstashHandler ] ) ) { $handlers[] = $logstashHandler; } } if ( $opts['sample'] ) { $sample = $opts['sample']; foreach ( $handlers as $idx => $handlerName ) { $sampledHandler = "{$handlerName}-sampled-{$sample}"; // Register a handler that will sample the event stream and // pass events on to $handlerName for storage $monologHandlers[$sampledHandler] ??= [ 'class' => \Monolog\Handler\SamplingHandler::class, 'args' => [ static function () use ( $handlerName ) { return LoggerFactory::getProvider()->getHandler( $handlerName ); }, $sample, ], ]; $handlers[$idx] = $sampledHandler; } } if ( $opts['buffer'] ) { foreach ( $handlers as $idx => $handlerName ) { $bufferedHandler = "{$handlerName}-buffered"; // Register a handler that will buffer the event stream and // pass events to the nested handler after closing the request $monologHandlers[$bufferedHandler] ??= [ 'class' => \MediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\BufferHandler::class, 'args' => [ static function () use ( $handlerName ) { return LoggerFactory::getProvider()->getHandler( $handlerName ); }, ], ]; $handlers[$idx] = $bufferedHandler; } } if ( $handlers ) { // T118057: wrap the collection of handlers in a WhatFailureGroupHandler // to swallow any exceptions that might leak out otherwise $failureGroupHandler = 'failuregroup|' . implode( '|', $handlers ); $monologHandlers[$failureGroupHandler] = [ 'class' => \Monolog\Handler\WhatFailureGroupHandler::class, 'args' => [ static function () use ( $handlers ) { $provider = LoggerFactory::getProvider(); return array_map( [ $provider, 'getHandler' ], $handlers ); } ], ]; $monologLoggers[$channel] = [ 'handlers' => [ $failureGroupHandler ], 'processors' => array_keys( $monologProcessors ), ]; } } // Ensure extra logging works even if @default channel is not configured if ( $wmgEnableExtraLogFile ) { $monologLoggers['@default'] ??= [ 'handlers' => [ 'extraLogFile' ], 'processors' => array_keys( $monologProcessors ), ]; } if ( $wmgLogAuthmanagerMetrics // T160490 && $wmgUseWikimediaEvents ) { $monologLoggers['authevents']['handlers'][] = 'authmanager-statsd'; $monologLoggers['captcha']['handlers'][] = 'authmanager-statsd'; $monologHandlers['authmanager-statsd'] = [ // defined in WikimediaEvents 'class' => WikimediaEvents\AuthManagerStatsdHandler::class, ]; } // Used in $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi return [ 'loggers' => $monologLoggers, 'processors' => $monologProcessors, 'handlers' => $monologHandlers, 'formatters' => $monologFormatters, ]; }