« throttle-analyze.php

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# WARNING: This file is publicly viewable on the web. Do not put private data here.

* Helper to easily add a throttling request.
* See throttle.php for the format of $wmgThrottlingExceptions.

use Wikimedia\IPUtils;

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = static function () {
$wmgThrottlingExceptions, $wgDBname, $wgRequest;

foreach (
$wmgThrottlingExceptions as $options ) {
# Validate entry, skip when it does not apply to our case

# 1) skip when it does not apply to our database name

if ( isset( $options['dbname'] ) && !in_array( $wgDBname, (array)$options['dbname'] ) ) {

# 2) skip expired entries
$inTimeWindow = time() >= strtotime( $options['from'] )
time() <= strtotime( $options['to'] );

if ( !
$inTimeWindow ) {

# 3) skip when throttle does not apply to the client IP
$ip = $wgRequest->getIP();
if ( isset(
$options['IP'] ) && !in_array( $ip, (array)$options['IP'] ) ) {
if ( isset(
$options['range'] ) && !IPUtils::isInRanges( $ip, (array)$options['range'] ) ) {

# Finally) set up the throttle value
global $wgAccountCreationThrottle, $wgTempAccountCreationThrottle, $wgRateLimits, $wgGroupPermissions;
if ( isset(
$options['value'] ) && is_numeric( $options['value'] ) ) {
$wgAccountCreationThrottle = [ [ 'count' => $options['value'], 'seconds' => 86400 ] ];
} else {
// Provide some sane default
$wgAccountCreationThrottle = [ [ 'count' => 50, 'seconds' => 86400 ] ];

// Unlike AccountCreationThrottle, wgTempAccountCreationThrottle has a default
// value of 6 accounts per day.
if ( isset( $options['tempaccountvalue'] ) && is_numeric( $options['tempaccountvalue'] ) ) {
$wgTempAccountCreationThrottle = [ [ 'count' => $options['tempaccountvalue'], 'seconds' => 86400 ] ];

$wgRateLimits['badcaptcha']['ip'] = [ 1000, 86400 ];
$wgRateLimits['badcaptcha']['newbie'] = [ 1000, 86400 ];
// T204583
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['autoconfirmed'] = true;
// T227487
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['skipcaptcha'] = true;
// No point in proceeding to another entry