« mc.php

code reviewgit-loggit-blameraw text

# WARNING: This file is publicly viewable on the web. Do not put private data here.
# This is for PRODUCTION.
# Effective load order:
# - multiversion
# - mediawiki/DefaultSettings.php
# - wmf-config/*Services.php
# - wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php
# - wmf-config/mc.php [THIS FILE]
# Included from: wmf-config/CommonSettings.php.

// Explicitly disable the globals, just in case.
// This is for CACHE_MEMCACHED, and for Memcached-related entries in
// $wgObjectCaches that lack a 'servers' or 'persistent' key.
// Neither of which WMF uses.
$wgMemCachedServers = [];
$wgMemCachedPersistent = false;

$wgObjectCaches['memcached-pecl'] = [
'class' => 'MemcachedPeclBagOStuff',
'serializer' => 'php',
'persistent' => false,
'servers' => [ '' ],
// Effectively disable the failure limit (0 is invalid)
'server_failure_limit' => 1e9,
// Effectively disable the retry timeout
'retry_timeout' => -1,
'loggroup' => 'memcached',
// 250ms, in microseconds
'timeout' => 0.25 * 1e6,

$wgObjectCaches['mcrouter'] = [
'class' => 'MemcachedPeclBagOStuff',
'serializer' => 'php',
'persistent' => false,
'servers' => [ $_SERVER['MCROUTER_SERVER'] ?? '' ],
'server_failure_limit' => 1e9,
'retry_timeout' => -1,
'loggroup' => 'memcached',
// 250ms, in microseconds
'timeout' => 0.25 * 1e6,
'allow_tcp_nagle_delay' => false,
$wgObjectCaches['mcrouter-primary-dc'] = array_merge(
'routingPrefix' => "/$wmgMasterDatacenter/mw/" ]
// Wikifunctions dedicated caching cluster. It's dc-local with no replication.
// See T297815.
$wgObjectCaches['mcrouter-wikifunctions'] = array_merge(
'routingPrefix' => '/local/wf/' ]

if (
$wgDBname === 'labswiki' || $wgDBname === 'labtestwiki' ) {
// nutcracker only; no mcrouter present
$wgMainCacheType = 'memcached-pecl';
} else {
$wgWANObjectCache = [
// Specify the route prefix that mcrouter listens for and broadcasts.
// The route prefix is configured in Puppet (profile::mediawiki::mcrouter_wancache).
'broadcastRoutingPrefix' => '/*/mw-wan/',
$wgMainCacheType = 'mcrouter';

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