« import.php
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# WARNING: This file is publicly viewable on the web. Do not put private data here.
# This file contains the setup for transwiki importing across the WMF cluster.
# This file is referenced from an include in CommonSettings.php
# NOTE: Labs only for now. Will be put into production later
* Set up import sources for transwiki import (T17583)
* @param array &$sources
function wmfImportSources( &$sources ) {
// $lang is the site language from, eg, CommonSettings.php
// phpcs:ignore MediaWiki.NamingConventions.ValidGlobalName.allowedPrefix
global $wgConf, $lang;
$wikipedias = array_flip( MWWikiversions::readDbListFile( 'wikipedia' ) );
$privates = array_flip( MWWikiversions::readDbListFile( 'private' ) );
// REMEMBER when editing this function, the values here are *interwiki prefixes*.
// Sometimes the interwiki map does things you don't expect.
// Look at dumpInterwiki.php in WikimediaMaintenance for guidance.
// Enforce a sensible order
$sources = [
// Put really common special wikis first
'meta', 'commons', 'incubator',
'wikipedia' => [],
'wiktionary' => [],
'wikibooks' => [],
'wikinews' => [],
'wikiquote' => [],
'wikisource' => [ 'oldwikisource' ],
'wikiversity' => [ 'betawikiversity' ],
'wikivoyage' => [],
'chapter' => [],
// Add a selection of non-private special wikis
'foundation', 'mediawikiwiki', 'nostalgia', 'outreach', 'strategy',
'tenwiki', 'testwiki', 'test2wiki', 'testwikidata', 'usability',
'wikidata', 'wikispecies', 'wikitech',
'wmania' => [
'wm2005', 'wm2006', 'wm2007', 'wm2008', 'wm2009', 'wm2010', 'wm2011',
'wm2012', 'wm2013', 'wm2014', 'wm2015', 'wm2016',
// Add all regular language projects as import sources
foreach ( $wgConf->getLocalDatabases() as $dbname ) {
// No importing from private wikis
if ( isset( $privates[$dbname] ) ) {
[ $project, $subdomain ] = $wgConf->siteFromDB( $dbname );
if ( $project === 'wikimedia' ) {
$sources['chapter'][] = $subdomain;
} elseif ( $subdomain === 'en' || $subdomain === $lang ) {
// Put $lang and en at the top for convenience
array_unshift( $sources[$project], $subdomain );
} elseif (
// Don't list sites under "wikipedia" that are not Wikipedias (e.g. meta)
( $project !== 'wikipedia' || isset( $wikipedias[$dbname] ) ) &&
// Beta Wikiversity is handled separately
$subdomain !== 'beta'
) {
$sources[$project][] = $subdomain;