« ext-EventLogging.php
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// Inline comments are often used for noting the task(s) associated with specific configuration
// and requiring comments to be on their own line would reduce readability for this file
// phpcs:disable MediaWiki.WhiteSpace.SpaceBeforeSingleLineComment.NewLineComment
* Configuration for the EventLogging extension.
return [
// List of streams to register for use with the EventLogging extension.
// EventLogging will request the stream config (defined in wgEventStreams
// in ext-EventStreamConfig.php) for each of the stream names listed here.
'wgEventLoggingStreamNames' => [
'default' => [
// EventLogging JavaScript client code will POST events to this URI.
'wgEventLoggingServiceUri' => [
'default' => 'https://intake-analytics.wikimedia.org/v1/events?hasty=true',
// Historically, EventLogging would register Schemas and revisions it used
// via the EventLoggingSchemas extension attribute like in
// https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/extensions/WikimediaEvents/+/master/extension.json#51
// It also overrides these with the $wgEventLoggingSchemas global.
// While in the process of migrating legacy EventLogging events to event platform,
// use the wgEventLoggingSchemas to override the extension attribute for an incremental rollout.
// This will be removed from mediawiki-config once all schemas have been successfully migrated
// and the EventLoggingSchemas extension attributes are all set to Event Platform schema URIs.
// ONLY Legacy EventLogging schemas need to go here. This is the switch that tells
// EventLogging to POST to EventGate rather than GET to EventLogging beacon.
// https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T238230
'wgEventLoggingSchemas' => [
'default' => [