« ext-CirrusSearch.php

code reviewgit-loggit-blameraw text


// Inline comments are often used for noting the task(s) associated with specific configuration
// and requiring comments to be on their own line would reduce readability for this file
// phpcs:disable MediaWiki.WhiteSpace.SpaceBeforeSingleLineComment.NewLineComment

use CirrusSearch\LanguageDetector\TextCat;

return [

// NOTE: don't forget to update TTM default cluster via
// $wgTranslateTranslationDefaultService in CommonSettings.php if you plan to
// bring down a specific cluster.
'wgCirrusSearchDefaultCluster' => [
'default' => $GLOBALS['wmgDatacenter'],
// Kept for BC with SRE tools that checks siteinfo (see APIQuerySiteInfoGeneralInfo in CommonSettings.php)
'wmgCirrusSearchDefaultCluster' => [
'default' => 'local',

'wgCirrusSearchClusterOverrides' => [
'default' => [],

'wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters' => [
'default' => [
// T363475: Writes shifted to SUP, archive writes remain.
'default' => [],
'archive' => [ 'eqiad', 'codfw' ],
// private wikis don't write to cloudelastic
'private' => [
'default' => [],
'archive' => [ 'eqiad', 'codfw' ],

'wgCirrusSearchReplicaGroup' => [
'default' => [
'type' => 'roundrobin',
'groups' => [ 'psi', 'omega' ]
'cirrussearch-big-indices' => 'chi',

'wgCirrusSearchPreferRecentDefaultDecayPortion' => [
'default' => 0,
'wikinews' => 0.6,

'wgCirrusSearchWeights' => [
'default' => [],
'commonswiki' => [
'title' => 25.0,
'testcommonswiki' => [
'title' => 25.0,

'wgCirrusSimilarityProfiles' => [
// Push all our similarity settings to default so that we can reuse them
// on multiple wikis
'default' => [
'wikibase_similarity' => [
'similarity' => [
'default' => [
'type' => 'BM25',
'descriptions' => [
'type' => 'BM25',
// This is a bit verbose to redefine always the same settings
// but the advantage is that you can re-tune and specialize
// these on an existing index (requires closing the index).
// "labels" here means the label + aliases
'labels' => [
'type' => 'BM25',
'k1' => 1.2,
'b' => 0.3,
// We consider all as being very similar to an array field
// as it is a simple concatenation of all the item data
'all' => [
'type' => 'BM25',
'k1' => 1.2,
'b' => 0.3,
'fields' => [
'__default__' => 'default',
'labels' => 'labels',
'descriptions' => 'descriptions',
'all' => 'all',

'wgCirrusSearchSimilarityProfile' => [
'default' => 'wmf_defaults',
"wikidata" => "wikibase_similarity",
"testwikidatawiki" => "wikibase_similarity",
"commonswiki" => "wikibase_similarity",
"testwikidatawiki" => "wikibase_similarity",

'wgCirrusSearchRescoreProfile' => [
'default' => 'wsum_inclinks',
'commonswiki' => 'classic_noboostlinks',
'testcommonswiki' => 'classic_noboostlinks',
'enwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'arwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'dewiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'fawiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'fiwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'frwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'idwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'itwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'jawiki' => 'classic', // TODO: switch back to 'mlr-1024rs',
'kowiki' => 'classic', // TODO: switch back to 'mlr-1024rs',
'nlwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'nowiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'plwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'ptwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'ruwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'svwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'viwiki' => 'mlr-1024rs',
'zhwiki' => 'wsum_inclinks', // TODO: Switch back to 'mlr-1024rs',

'wgCirrusSearchFullTextQueryBuilderProfile' => [
'default' => 'perfield_builder',

// Enable crossprocess search (side bar)
'wgCirrusSearchEnableCrossProjectSearch' => [
'default' => false,
'wikipedia' => true, // Activated on all wikipedias

'frwikibooks' => true, // T251683
'frwiktionary' => true, // T250724
// italian wikis used to have the old sidebar on all sisterwikis
// use the one there too.
'itwiktionary' => true,
'itwikibooks' => true,
'itwikinews' => true,
'itwikiquote' => true,
'itwikisource' => true,
'itwikiversity' => true,
'itwikivoyage' => true,

// Tune crossproject ordering
'wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectOrder' => [
'default' => 'recall',
'enwiki' => 'wmf_enwiki', // T171803: 'wikt' always first, 'b' always last, others ordered by recall

// Define list of projects to block from CrossProject search
// (only effective if SiteMatrix implementation is being used)
'wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectSearchBlockList' => [
'default' => [],
// Block wikinews and wikiversity T163463
'enwiki' => [ 'n', 'v' ],

// Define overridden interwiki prefixes
// Mostly to match what's done in WikimediaMaintenance/dumpInterwiki.php ( see $prefixRewrites )
'wgCirrusSearchInterwikiPrefixOverrides' => [
'default' => [],
'svwiki' => [ 's' => 'src' ],

// Show/Hide multimedia content in the crossproject
// search results sidebar
'wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectShowMultimedia' => [
'default' => true,
'enwiki' => false, // T163463, requested during RfC
// Disable multimedia on italian non-wikipedias
'itwiktionary' => false,
'itwikibooks' => false,
'itwikinews' => false,
'itwikiquote' => false,
'itwikisource' => false,
'itwikiversity' => false,
'itwikivoyage' => false,

'wgCirrusSearchCrossProjectProfiles' => [
'default' => [
// full text wikivoyage results are often irrelevant, filter the
// search with title matches to improve relevance
'voy' => [
'ftbuilder' => 'perfield_builder_title_filter',
'rescore' => 'wsum_inclinks',
'+enwiki' => [
// T185250
'wikt' => [
'ftbuilder' => 'perfield_builder_title_filter',
'rescore' => 'wsum_inclinks',

'wgCirrusSearchIgnoreOnWikiBoostTemplates' => [
'default' => false,
// on wiki boost templates have to high boosts for enwiki
'enwiki' => true,

'wgCirrusSearchLanguageWeight' => [
'default' => [
'user' => 0.0,
'wiki' => 0.0,
'mediawikiwiki' => [
'user' => 5.0,
'wiki' => 2.5,

'wgCirrusSearchInstantIndexNew' => [
'default' => [],

'wgCirrusSearchRefreshInterval' => [
'default' => 30,

// Changing this for a wiki
// requires an in place reindex. Last full review 2014-07-01. See
// https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Search/New#Estimating_the_number_of_shards_required
// for estimation of new wikis.

// Optimal shard count requires making a tradeoff between a few competing factors.

// Each Elasticsearch shard is actually a Lucene index,
// which requires some amount of file descriptors/disk usage, compute, and RAM.
// So, a higher shard count causes more overhead, due to resource contention as well as "fixed costs".

// Since Elasticsearch is designed to be shardable and robust,
// if a node drops out of the cluster, shards must rebalance across the remaining nodes
// (likewise for changes in instance count, etc).
// Shard rebalancing is rate-limited by network throughput,
// and thus excessively large shards can cause the cluster to be stuck
// "recovering" (rebalancing) for an unacceptable amount of time.

// Thus the optimal shard size is a balancing act between overhead (which is optimized via having larger shards),
// and rebalancing time (which is optimized via smaller, more numerous shards).
// Additionally, due to the problem of fragmentation,
// we also don't want a given shard to be too large a % of the available disk capacity.

// Currently (01/07/2020 DD/MM/YY), in most cases we don't want shards to exceed 50GB,
// and ideally they wouldn't be smaller than 10GB
// (but note that for small indices this is unavoidable).
// Once our Elasticsearch cluster has 10G networking, we can increase our desired shard size.
'wmgCirrusSearchShardCount' => [
// Most wikis are too small to be worth sharding
'default' => [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'arwiki' => [ 'content' => 5, 'general' => 4, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'arwikisource' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'bgwiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'cawiki' => [ 'content' => 5, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'cebwiki' => [ 'content' => 8 /* T379002 */, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
// Commons is special and has a 'file' index in addition to the regular ones.
// We're sharding 'file' like it is a content index because searching it is
// very very common.
'commonswiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 8, 'file' => 32, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'testcommonswiki' => [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 1, 'file' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'cswiki' => [ 'content' => 3, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'dawiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'dewiki' => [ 'content' => 9, 'general' => 8, 'titlesuggest' => 3, 'archive' => 1 ],
'dewikisource' => [ 'content' => 3, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'elwiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
// These shards tend to be closer to our threshold of 50GB.
// We shard enwiki more so that most servers have 2 enwiki shards.
'enwiki' => [ 'content' => 15, 'general' => 21, 'titlesuggest' => 4, 'archive' => 1 ],
'enwikinews' => [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 4, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'enwikisource' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'enwiktionary' => [ 'content' => 5, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
'eswiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 6, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
'eswikisource' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'fawiki' => [ 'content' => 5, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
'fiwiki' => [ 'content' => 3, 'general' => 8, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'frwiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 8, 'titlesuggest' => 3, 'archive' => 1 ],
'frwikisource' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'frwiktionary' => [ 'content' => 3, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'hewiki' => [ 'content' => 3, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'hewikisource' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'huwiki' => [ 'content' => 4, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'hywiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'idwiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'incubatorwiki' => [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'itwiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 8, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
'itwikisource' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'jawiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 6, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
'kkwiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'kowiki' => [ 'content' => 4, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'ltwiktionary' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'mswiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'metawiki' => [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 8, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'mgwiktionary' => [ 'content' => 4, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'nlwiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 4, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
'nowiki' => [ 'content' => 3, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'plwiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 3, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
'plwikisource' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'ptwiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 5, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
'rowiki' => [ 'content' => 3, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'ruwiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 8, 'titlesuggest' => 3, 'archive' => 1 ],
'ruwikinews' => [ 'content' => 4, 'general' => 4, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'ruwikisource' => [ 'content' => 4, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'ruwiktionary' => [ 'content' => 3, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'shwiki' => [ 'content' => 4, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'srwiki' => [ 'content' => 3, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'svwiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 4, 'archive' => 1 ],
'thwiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'trwiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'ukwiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 2, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'viwiki' => [ 'content' => 6, 'general' => 5, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'wikidatawiki' => [ 'content' => 21, 'general' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'warwiki' => [ 'content' => 2, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],
'zhwiki' => [ 'content' => 7, 'general' => 5, 'titlesuggest' => 2, 'archive' => 1 ],
'zhwikisource' => [ 'content' => 5, 'general' => 1, 'titlesuggest' => 1, 'archive' => 1 ],

// Most wikis are fine with 0-2 replicas for all indexes
// some of the larger ones will want more replicas for content indexes
'wgCirrusSearchReplicas' => [
// NOTE: cloudelastic is intentionally set to an "unsafe" mode with 1 replica (see T231517)
'default' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => '0-2', 'general' => '0-2', 'titlesuggest' => '0-2', 'archive' => '0-2' ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => '0-2', 'general' => '0-2', 'titlesuggest' => '0-2', 'archive' => '0-2' ],
'cloudelastic' => [ 'content' => '0-1', 'general' => '0-1', 'titlesuggest' => '0-1', 'archive' => '0-1' ],
'commonswiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => '0-2', 'general' => '0-2', 'titlesuggest' => '0-2', 'file' => '0-2', 'archive' => '0-2' ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => '0-2', 'general' => '0-2', 'titlesuggest' => '0-2', 'file' => '0-2', 'archive' => '0-2' ],
'cloudelastic' => [ 'content' => '0-1', 'general' => '0-1', 'titlesuggest' => '0-1', 'file' => '0-1', 'archive' => '0-1' ],
'enwiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => '0-2', 'general' => '0-2', 'titlesuggest' => '0-3', 'archive' => '0-2' ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => '0-2', 'general' => '0-2', 'titlesuggest' => '0-3', 'archive' => '0-2' ],
'cloudelastic' => [ 'content' => '0-1', 'general' => '0-1', 'titlesuggest' => '0-1', 'archive' => '0-1' ],
'dewiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => '0-3', 'general' => '0-2', 'titlesuggest' => '0-2', 'archive' => '0-2' ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => '0-3', 'general' => '0-2', 'titlesuggest' => '0-2', 'archive' => '0-2' ],
'cloudelastic' => [ 'content' => '0-1', 'general' => '0-1', 'titlesuggest' => '0-1', 'archive' => '0-1' ],

'wgCirrusSearchMaxShardsPerNode' => [
'default' => [],
'commonswiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'file' => 4, 'general' => 2 ],
'codfw' => [ 'file' => 4, 'general' => 2 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'dewiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 2 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 2 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'wikidatawiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 3 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 3 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'enwiktionary' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 1 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 1 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'enwiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 3 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 1, 'general' => 3 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'eswiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'frwiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'nlwiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'ptwiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'ruwiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'cloudelastic' => []
'zhwiki' => [
'eqiad' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'codfw' => [ 'content' => 1 ],
'cloudelastic' => []

// Setup our custom index settings, only used at index
// creation time.
'wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexSettings' => [
'default' => [
// indexing slow log
'indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.warn' => '10s',
'indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.info' => '5s',
'indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.debug' => '2s',
'indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.trace' => -1,
// query slow log
'search.slowlog.threshold.query.warn' => '60s',
'search.slowlog.threshold.query.info' => '10s',
'search.slowlog.threshold.query.debug' => '5s',
'search.slowlog.threshold.query.trace' => -1,
// fetch slow log
'search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.warn' => '10s',
'search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.info' => '5s',
'search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.debug' => '1s',
'search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.trace' => '-1',
// Number of merge threads to use. Use only 1 thread
// (instead of 3) to avoid updates interfering with
// actual searches
'merge.scheduler.max_thread_count' => 1,
'+wikidata' => [
// increase defaults to add language specific fields
'index.mapping.total_fields.limit' => 5000,

// Enable completion suggester on all wikis (except wikidata)
'wgCirrusSearchUseCompletionSuggester' => [
'default' => 'yes',
'wikidatawiki' => 'no',

// wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterSubphrases @{
// Please verify mem usage on the cluster before adding new wiki here.
// NOTE: activate 'build' => true first then verify that the index has been
// updated with the new mapping then you can switch 'use' to true
'wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterSubphrases' => [
'default' => [
'build' => false,
'use' => false,
'type' => 'anywords',
'limit' => 10,
'wikisource' => [
'build' => true,
'use' => true,
'type' => 'anywords',
'limit' => 10,
'mediawikiwiki' => [
'build' => true,
'use' => true,
'type' => 'anywords',
'limit' => 10,
'wikitech' => [
'build' => true,
'use' => true,
'type' => 'anywords',
'limit' => 10,
'officewiki' => [
'build' => true,
'use' => true,
'type' => 'anywords',
'limit' => 10,

// Default profile for autocomplete for when the completion suggester is enabled
'wgCirrusSearchCompletionSettings' => [
'default' => 'fuzzy',
'mediawikiwiki' => 'fuzzy-subphrases',
'wikitech' => 'fuzzy-subphrases',
'officewiki' => 'fuzzy-subphrases',

// Inject defaultsort in autocomplete suggestions served by the completion suggester
'wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterUseDefaultSort' => [
'default' => false,
'mnwiki' => true, // T327878

// @} end of wgCirrusSearchCompletionSuggesterSubphrases

// Enable phrase suggester (did you mean) on all wikis (except wikidata)
'wgCirrusSearchEnablePhraseSuggest' => [
'default' => true,
'wikidatawiki' => false,
'testwikidatawiki' => false

// wgCirrusSearchRecycleCompletionSuggesterIndex @{
// Recycle suggester indices for small wikis (less than 100MB store size)
'wgCirrusSearchRecycleCompletionSuggesterIndex' => [
'default' => true,
'enwiki' => false,
'svwiki' => false,
'enwiktionary' => false,
'ruwiki' => false,
'mgwiktionary' => false,
'dewiki' => false,
'frwiki' => false,
'cebwiki' => false,
'nlwiki' => false,
'frwiktionary' => false,
'eswiki' => false,
'shwiki' => false,
'itwiki' => false,
'warwiki' => false,
'jawiki' => false,
'plwiki' => false,
'fawiki' => false,
'ptwiki' => false,
'zhwiki' => false,
'viwiki' => false,
'ukwiki' => false,
'zhwiktionary' => false,
'arwiki' => false,
'cawiki' => false,
'ruwiktionary' => false,
'srwiki' => false,
'ruwikisource' => false,
'enwikisource' => false,
'shwiktionary' => false,
'rowiki' => false,
'eswiktionary' => false,
'nowiki' => false,
'specieswiki' => false,
'idwiki' => false,
'fiwiki' => false,
'kowiki' => false,
'huwiki' => false,
'cswiki' => false,
'ltwiktionary' => false,
// @} end of wgCirrusSearchRecycleCompletionSuggesterIndex

// Disable phrase rescore on queries with too many tokens.
// Bandaid for T169498, should be removed when a proper
// fix is determined
'wgCirrusSearchMaxPhraseTokens' => [
'default' => 10,

// Configure ICU Folding, 'default': controlled by cirrus
// 'no': disable, 'yes': force
'wgCirrusSearchUseIcuFolding' => [
'default' => 'default',

'wgCirrusSearchAllFields' => [
'default' => [ 'build' => true, 'use' => true ],

'wgCirrusSearchNearMatchWeight' => [
'default' => 10, // T257922

'wgCirrusSearchNamespaceWeights' => [
'default' => [],
'mediawikiwiki' => [ // T155142
12 => 0.9,
100 => 0.9,
102 => 0.9,
104 => 0.9,
106 => 0.9,
'commonswiki' => [
6 => 1.0,
'labswiki' => [
12 => 1.0, // Put NS_HELP on equal footing with NS_MAIN
'metawiki' => [
// T260569
200 => 0.6, // grants
202 => 0.6, // research
// Author namespace on wikisource should match NS_MAIN weight
'arwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'aswikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'bewikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'bgwikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'bnwikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'brwikisource' => [ 104 => 1.0 ],
'cawikisource' => [ 106 => 1.0 ],
'cswikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'dawikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'elwikisource' => [ 108 => 1.0 ],
'enwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'etwikisource' => [ 106 => 1.0 ],
'euwikisource' => [ 106 => 1.0 ],
'fawikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'frwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'hewikisource' => [ 108 => 1.0 ],
'hrwikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'huwikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'hywikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'idwikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'iswikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'itwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'knwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'kowikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'lawikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'lijwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'mlwikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'mrwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'napwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'nlwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'nowikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'plwikisource' => [ 104 => 1.0 ],
'ptwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'rowikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'svwikisource' => [ 106 => 1.0 ],
'tewikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'thwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'trwikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'ukwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'vecwikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'viwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],
'wawikisource' => [ 100 => 1.0 ],
'zhwikisource' => [ 102 => 1.0 ],

// Enable the "Give us feedback" link after search results on enwiki
'wgCirrusSearchFeedbackLink' => [
'default' => false,

// NOTE: When enabling a profile that embarks the phrase suggester
// make sure to enable it with wgCirrusSearchEnablePhraseSuggest
// and reindex the wiki
// Available profiles are in CirrusSearch/profiles/FallbackProfiles.config.php
// or defined in the config var wgCirrusSearchFallbackProfiles
'wgCirrusSearchFallbackProfile' => [
'default' => 'phrase_suggest',
// Nothing for wikidata
'wikidatawiki' => 'none',
'testwikidatawiki' => 'none',
// PhraseSuggest & Language detection
'eswiki' => 'phrase_suggest_and_language_detection',
'itwiki' => 'phrase_suggest_and_language_detection',
'jawiki' => 'phrase_suggest_and_language_detection',
'nlwiki' => 'phrase_suggest_and_language_detection',
'ptwiki' => 'phrase_suggest_and_language_detection',
'ruwiki' => 'phrase_suggest_and_language_detection',
// Glent M0 & PhraseSuggest & Language detection
'dewiki' => 'phrase_suggest_glentM0_and_langdetect',
'enwiki' => 'phrase_suggest_glentM0_and_langdetect',
'frwiki' => 'phrase_suggest_glentM0_and_langdetect',

'wgCirrusSearchUserTesting' => [
'default' => [
// T377128
'mlr-2024' => [
'buckets' => [
'control' => [
'trigger' => 'control',
'mlr-2024' => [
'trigger' => 'mlr-2024',
'globals' => [
'wgCirrusSearchRescoreProfile' => 'mlr-1024rs-next',
'mlr-2024i' => [
'trigger' => 'mlr-2024i',
'globals' => [
'wgCirrusSearchInterleaveConfig' => [
'CirrusSearchRescoreProfile' => 'mlr-1024rs-next',

'wgCirrusSearchLanguageDetectors' => [
'default' => [],
'dewiki' => [ 'textcat' => TextCat::class ],
'enwiki' => [ 'textcat' => TextCat::class ],
'eswiki' => [ 'textcat' => TextCat::class ],
'frwiki' => [ 'textcat' => TextCat::class ],
'itwiki' => [ 'textcat' => TextCat::class ],
'jawiki' => [ 'textcat' => TextCat::class ],
'nlwiki' => [ 'textcat' => TextCat::class ],
'ptwiki' => [ 'textcat' => TextCat::class ],
'ruwiki' => [ 'textcat' => TextCat::class ],

// Enable interwiki search by language detection. The list of language
// detected and their corresponding wiki is defined by
// wgCirrusSearchLanguageToWikiMap and SiteMatrix.
// Note that if language detectors are enabled they will always run, this
// gates if the result of running is shown to the user (for AB test control
// bucket reasons).
// NOTE: be sure to enable a fallback profile that triggers language detection
// see wgCirrusSearchFallbackProfile
'wgCirrusSearchEnableAltLanguage' => [
'default' => false,
'dewiki' => true,
'enwiki' => true,
'eswiki' => true,
'frwiki' => true,
'itwiki' => true,
'jawiki' => true,
'nlwiki' => true,
'ptwiki' => true,
'ruwiki' => true,

'wgCirrusSearchTextcatLanguages' => [
'default' => [],
'dewiki' => [
'de', 'en', 'la', 'it', 'es', 'fr', 'zh', 'pl',
'vi', 'el', 'ru', 'ar', 'hi', 'th', 'ko', 'ja',
'enwiki' => [
'en', 'zh', 'es', 'ar', 'de', 'fa', 'fr', 'id',
'pl', 'ru', 'vi', 'it', 'ja', 'pt', 'cs', 'bn',
'hr', 'he', 'no', 'af', 'is', 'tl', 'th', 'hu',
'ga', 'ko', 'uk', 'ur', 'hi', 'el', 'te', 'ka',
'eswiki' => [
'es', 'en', 'la', 'ru', 'zh', 'pt', 'it', 'fr',
'de', 'ar', 'ja',
'frwiki' => [
'fr', 'en', 'ar', 'pt', 'de', 'es', 'ru', 'zh',
'nl', 'pl', 'it', 'th', 'sv', 'la', 'is', 'hy',
'hu', 'br', 'el', 'he', 'ko',
'itwiki' => [
'it', 'en', 'de', 'ru', 'ar', 'zh', 'pl', 'el',
'jawiki' => [
'ja', 'en', 'zh', 'ko', 'de', 'ar', 'he',
'nlwiki' => [
'nl', 'en', 'fr', 'de', 'es', 'la', 'zh', 'pl',
'ar', 'vi', 'pt', 'my', 'ko', 'hr', 'da', 'cs',
'el', 'he', 'ja', 'ru',
'ptwiki' => [
'pt', 'en', 'tl', 'ru', 'fr', 'he', 'ar', 'zh',
'ko', 'el',
'ruwiki' => [
'ru', 'en', 'uk', 'de', 'ka', 'hy', 'lv', 'ja',
'fi', 'es', 'ar', 'he', 'zh',

// Method to use when detecting the namespace prefix
// within queries:
// elastic: lookup against elastic (default)
// utr30: uses PHP Transliterator with UTR30 rule
// naise: uses PHP Transliterator with naive folding rules (unicode diacritics
// removal)
'wgCirrusSearchNamespaceResolutionMethod' => [
'default' => 'utr30',

// List of languages detected by the short-text
// profiles.
// See: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:TJones_(WMF)/Notes/Language_Detection_Evaluation
// This includes also the lang codes that might be used by browsers in Accept-Language
# wgCirrusSearchLanguageToWikiMap @{
'wgCirrusSearchLanguageToWikiMap' => [
'default' => [],
'wikipedia' => [
"ar" => "ar",
"ay" => "ay", // not detected
"az" => "az", // not detected
"bg" => "bg",
"bn" => "bn",
"ca" => "ca",
"cs" => "cs",
"da" => "da",
"de" => "de",
"el" => "el",
"en" => "en",
"es" => "es",
"et" => "et",
"fa" => "fa",
"fi" => "fi",
"fil" => "tl", // unknown code, filipino? mapping to tagalog, maybe fijian?
"fr" => "fr",
"gu" => "gu",
"he" => "he",
"hi" => "hi",
"hr" => "hr",
"hu" => "hu",
"id" => "id",
"it" => "it",
"ja" => "ja",
"km" => "km", // not detected
"ko" => "ko",
"lt" => "lt",
"lv" => "lv",
"mk" => "mk",
"ml" => "ml",
"mr" => "mr", // not detected
"ms" => "ms", // not detected
"nb" => "no", // not detected but covered by no
"nl" => "nl",
"no" => "no",
"pa" => "pa",
"pl" => "pl",
"pt" => "pt",
"ro" => "ro", // very bad precision
"ru" => "ru",
"si" => "si",
"sk" => "sk", // not detected
"sl" => "sl", // not detected
"sq" => "sq",
"sv" => "sv",
"sw" => "sw", // not detected
"ta" => "ta",
"te" => "te",
"th" => "th",
"tl" => "tl",
"tr" => "tr",
"uk" => "uk",
"ur" => "ur",
"vi" => "vi",
"zh" => "zh", // not detected (browser header). Usually detected as zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw or zh-hans-cn, zh-hant-hk, zh-hant-tw
"zh-cn" => "zh",
"zh-hans-cn" => "zh",
"zh-hant-hk" => "zh",
"zh-hant-tw" => "zh",
"zh-hk" => "zh",
"zh-tw" => "zh"
# @} end of wgCirrusSearchLanguageToWikiMap

// Enable archive for testwiki
'wgCirrusSearchIndexDeletes' => [
'default' => true,
'wikidatawiki' => false,
'testwikidatawiki' => false,

'wgCirrusSearchEnableArchive' => [
'default' => true,
'wikidatawiki' => false,
'testwikidatawiki' => false,

'wmgCirrusSearchMLRModelFallback' => [
'default' => 'wsum_inclinks',
'enwiki' => 'wsum_inclinks_pv',

'wmgCirrusSearchMLRModel' => [
'default' => false,
'enwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [
// Name of model stored in elasticsearch ltr plugin
'model' => 'enwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer',
// Number of results to score per-shard. Defaults to
// 1024 if not provided.
'window' => 448,
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [
'model' => 'enwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer',
'window' => 448,
'arwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'arwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'arwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'fawiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'fawiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'fawiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'jawiki' => [
/* TODO: re-enable once we have a model trained with BM25 features (T219534)
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'jawiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'jawiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'svwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'svwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'svwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'frwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'frwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'frwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'itwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'itwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'itwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'ptwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'ptwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'ptwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'ruwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'ruwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'ruwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'dewiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'dewiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'dewiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'fiwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'fiwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'fiwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'hewiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'hewiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'hewiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'idwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'idwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'idwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'kowiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'kowiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'kowiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'nlwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'nlwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'nlwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'nowiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'nowiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'nowiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'plwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'plwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'plwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'viwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'viwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'viwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'zhwiki' => [
'mlr-1024rs' => [ 'model' => 'zhwiki-20220421-20180215-query_explorer' ],
'mlr-1024rs-next' => [ 'model' => 'zhwiki-20241122-20180215-query_explorer' ],

'wgCirrusSearchElasticQuirks' => [
'default' => [
'retry_on_conflict' => true,

# Turn off leading wildcard matches, they are a very slow and inefficient query
'wgCirrusSearchAllowLeadingWildcard' => [
'default' => false

# Turn off the more accurate but slower search mode. It is most helpful when you
# have many small shards. We don't do that in production and we could use the speed.
'wgCirrusSearchMoreAccurateScoringMode' => [
'default' => false

# Limit the number of states generated by wildcard queries (500 will allow about 20 wildcards)
'wgCirrusSearchQueryStringMaxDeterminizedStates' => [
'default' => 500

# Ban the hebrew plugin, it is unstable
'wgCirrusSearchBannedPlugins' => [
'default' => [ 'elasticsearch-analysis-hebrew' ]

# Build and use an ngram index for faster regex matching
'wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin' => [
'default' => [
'regex' => [
'super_detect_noop' => true,
'documentVersion' => true,
'token_count_router' => true,
'term_freq' => true

# Enable the ores_articletopics field
'wgCirrusSearchWMFExtraFeatures' => [
'default' => [
'ores_articletopics' => [
'build' => true,
'use' => true,
'weighted_tags' => [
'build' => true,
'use' => true,

# Enable the "experimental" highlighter on all wikis
'wgCirrusSearchUseExperimentalHighlighter' => [
'default' => true

'wgCirrusSearchOptimizeIndexForExperimentalHighlighter' => [
'default' => true

// We had an incident of filling up the entire clusters redis instances after
// 6 hours, and problems with the new kafka (before we enabled compression)
// based job queue as well. Cut the time down to 2 hours, as this is not supposed
// to ride out a full-fledged outage, but paper over minor unavailabilities
// for cluster/network/etc maintenance.
'wgCirrusSearchDropDelayedJobsAfter' => [
'default' => 60 * 60 * 2

// Commons is special
'wgCirrusSearchNamespaceMappings' => [
'default' => [],
'commonswiki' => [ NS_FILE => 'file' ],

// T94856 - makes searching difficult for locally uploaded files
// T76957 - doesn't make sense to have Commons files on foundationwiki search
'wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexes' => [
'default' => [ NS_FILE => [ 'commonswiki_file' ] ],
'commonswiki' => [], // Commons is special
'officewiki' => [], // T94856 - makes searching difficult for locally uploaded files
'foundationwiki' => [], // T76957 - doesn't make sense to have Commons files on foundationwiki search

'wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexBoostTemplates' => [
'default' => [
'commonswiki_file' => [
'wiki' => 'commonswiki',
'boosts' => [
// Copied from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Cirrussearch-boost-templates
'Template:Assessments/commons/featured' => 2.5,
'Template:Picture_of_the_day' => 1.5,
'Template:Valued_image' => 1.75,
'Template:Assessments' => 1.5,
'Template:Quality_image' => 1.75,
'commonswiki' => [], // Commons is special
'officewiki' => [], // T94856 - makes searching difficult for locally uploaded files
'foundationwiki' => [], // T76957 - doesn't make sense to have Commons files on foundationwiki search

'wgCirrusSearchTextcatConfig' => [
'default' => [
'maxNgrams' => 9000,
'maxReturnedLanguages' => 1,
'resultsRatio' => 1.06,
'minInputLength' => 3,
'maxProportion' => 0.85,
'langBoostScore' => 0.14,
'numBoostedLangs' => 2,

// Set the scoring method
'wgCirrusSearchCompletionDefaultScore' => [
'default' => 'popqual'

// Aliases for filetype: search
'wgCirrusSearchFiletypeAliases' => [
'default' => [
"pdf" => "office",
"ppt" => "office",
"doc" => "office",
"jpg" => "bitmap",
"image" => "bitmap",
"webp" => "bitmap",
"mp3" => "audio",
"svg" => "drawing"

// Enable the new layout, FIXME: remove the old one
'wgCirrusSearchNewCrossProjectPage' => [
'default' => true

// Display X results per crossproject
'wgCirrusSearchNumCrossProjectSearchResults' => [
'default' => 1

// Load other project config via cirrus dump config API
'wgCirrusSearchFetchConfigFromApi' => [
'default' => true

'wgCirrusSearchRescoreProfiles' => [
'default' => []

// Set SPARQL endpoint for categories
'wgCirrusSearchCategoryEndpoint' => [
'default' => 'https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/categories/sparql'

// Our cluster often has issues completing master actions
// within the default 30s timeout.
'wgCirrusSearchMasterTimeout' => [
'default' => '5m'

// Limit archive indices to our internal search clusters (and not cloudelastic)
'wgCirrusSearchPrivateClusters' => [
'default' => [ 'eqiad', 'codfw' ]

# Lower the timeouts - the defaults are too high and allow to scan too many
# pages. 40s shard timeout for regex allowed to deep scan 9million pages for
# insource:/the/ on commons. Keep client timeout relatively high in comparaison,
# but not higher than 60sec as it's the max time allowed for GET requests.
# we really don't want to timeout the client before the shard retrieval (we may
# release the poolcounter before the end of the query on the backend)
'wgCirrusSearchSearchShardTimeout' => [
'default' => [
"comp_suggest" => "5s",
"prefix" => "5s",
"default" => "10s",
"regex" => "15s",

'wgCirrusSearchClientSideSearchTimeout' => [
'default' => [
"comp_suggest" => 10,
"prefix" => 10,
// GET requests timeout at 60s, give some room to treat request timeout (T216860)
"default" => 40,
"regex" => 50,

'wgCirrusSearchCrossClusterSearch' => [
'default' => true

'wgCirrusSearchSanityCheck' => [
'default' => true

'wgCirrusSearchConnectionAttempts' => [
'default' => 3

'wgCirrusSearchPoolCounterKey' => [
'default' => '_elasticsearch',
'enwiki' => '_elasticsearch_enwiki'

// cache morelike queries to ObjectCache for 24 hours
'wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisTTL' => [
'default' => 86400

// Internal WDQS endpoint
'wgCirrusSearchCategoryEndpoint' => [
'default' => 'http://localhost:6009/bigdata/namespace/categories/sparql'

'wgCirrusSearchCompletionBannedPageIds' => [
'default' => [],
'enwiktionary' => [ 1821 ],

'wgCirrusSearchDocumentSizeLimiterProfile' => [
'default' => 'wmf_capped',

'wgCirrusSearchAutomationHeaderRegexes' => [
'default' => [
'x-public-cloud' => '/.*/',

'wgCirrusSearchEnableIncomingLinkCounting' => [
'default' => false,

'wgCirrusSearchDeduplicateInQuery' => [
'default' => false,

'wgCirrusSearchDeduplicateInMemory' => [
'default' => false,
'wgCirrusSearchUseEventBusBridge' => [
'default' => true,
'wgCirrusSearchIndexFieldsToCleanup' => [
'default' => [
'label_count' // T377226
'wgCirrusSearchEnableEventBusWeightedTags' => [
'default' => true,