« db-production.php

code reviewgit-loggit-blameraw text

# WARNING: This file is publicly viewable on the web. Do not put private data here.

if ( !defined( 'DBO_DEFAULT' ) ) {
define( 'DBO_DEFAULT', 16 );

# $wgReadOnly = "Wikimedia Sites are currently read-only during maintenance, please try again soon.";

# LOOKING FOR $wmgOldExtTemplate ? It no longer lives in the PHP configs.
# Instead try https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/eqiad.json (see 'es1')
# and https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/codfw.json
# For more info see also https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/dbctl

# If a wiki's section is different across datacenters, use a ternary to vary:
# 'xxwiki' => $wmgDatacenter === 'codfw' ? 's1': 's2',
$wgLBFactoryConf = [

'class' => 'LBFactoryMulti',

'secret' => $wgSecretKey,

'sectionsByDB' => [
# s1: enwiki
'enwiki' => 's1',

# s2: large wikis
'bgwiki' => 's2',
'bgwiktionary' => 's2',
'cswiki' => 's2',
'enwikiquote' => 's2',
'enwiktionary' => 's2',
'eowiki' => 's2',
'fiwiki' => 's2',
'idwiki' => 's2',
'itwiki' => 's2',
'nlwiki' => 's2',
'nowiki' => 's2',
'plwiki' => 's2',
'ptwiki' => 's2',
'svwiki' => 's2',
'thwiki' => 's2',
'trwiki' => 's2',
'zhwiki' => 's2',

# s3 (default)

# s4: commons
'commonswiki' => 's4',
'testcommonswiki' => 's4',

# s5: dewiki and some other wikis
'aewikimedia' => 's5',
'altwiki' => 's5',
'amiwiki' => 's5',
'anpwiki' => 's5',
'apiportalwiki' => 's5',
'arbcom_itwiki' => 's5',
'arbcom_ruwiki' => 's5',
'aswikiquote' => 's5',
'avkwiki' => 's5',
'azwikimedia' => 's5',
'banwikisource' => 's5',
'bbcwiki' => 's5',
'bclwiktionary' => 's5',
'bclwikiquote' => 's5',
'bewwiki' => 's5',
'bjnwikiquote' => 's5',
'bjnwiktionary' => 's5',
'blkwiki' => 's5',
'blkwiktionary' => 's5',
'bnwikiquote' => 's5',
'btmwiki' => 's5',
'btmwiktionary' => 's5',
'cebwiki' => 's5',
'ckbwiktionary' => 's5',
'cswikivoyage' => 's5',
'dagwiki' => 's5',
'dewiki' => 's5',
'dgawiki' => 's5',
'diqwiktionary' => 's5',
'dtpwiki' => 's5',
'enwikivoyage' => 's5',
'eowikivoyage' => 's5',
'fatwiki' => 's5',
'fonwiki' => 's5',
'gorwiktionary' => 's5',
'gpewiki' => 's5',
'gucwiki' => 's5',
'gurwiki' => 's5',
'guwwiki' => 's5',
'guwwiktionary' => 's5',
'guwwikiquote' => 's5',
'guwwikinews' => 's5',
'iglwiki' => 's5',
'igwikiquote' => 's5',
'igwiktionary' => 's5',
'kawikisource' => 's5',
'kaawiktionary' => 's5',
'kbdwiktionary' => 's5',
'kcgwiki' => 's5',
'kcgwiktionary' => 's5',
'kuswiki' => 's5',
'jawikivoyage' => 's5',
'jvwikisource' => 's5',
'lldwiki' => 's5',
'lmowiktionary' => 's5',
'mniwiki' => 's5',
'mniwiktionary' => 's5',
'mnwwiktionary' => 's5',
'mswikisource' => 's5',
'mywikisource' => 's5',
'niawiki' => 's5',
'niawiktionary' => 's5',
'madwiki' => 's5',
'mgwiktionary' => 's5',
'mhwiktionary' => 's5',
'muswiki' => 's5',
'pcmwiki' => 's5',
'pwnwiki' => 's5',
'skrwiki' => 's5',
'skrwiktionary' => 's5',
'shnwikibooks' => 's5',
'shnwikivoyage' => 's5',
'shwiki' => 's5',
'shiwiki' => 's5',
'smnwiki' => 's5',
'srwiki' => 's5',
'suwikisource' => 's5',
'sysop_plwiki' => 's5',
'taywiki' => 's5',
'thankyouwiki' => 's5',
'tlwikiquote' => 's5',
'tlywiki' => 's5',
'trwikivoyage' => 's5',
'trvwiki' => 's5',
'u4cwiki' => 's5',
'vewikimedia' => 's5',
'wikifunctionswiki' => 's5',
'wawikisource' => 's5',
'zghwiki' => 's5',

# s6: large wikis + wikitech
'frwiki' => 's6',
'jawiki' => 's6',
'labswiki' => 's6',
'ruwiki' => 's6',

# s7: large wikis, centralauth
'eswiki' => 's7',
'huwiki' => 's7',
'hewiki' => 's7',
'ukwiki' => 's7',
'frwiktionary' => 's7',
'metawiki' => 's7',
'arwiki' => 's7',
'centralauth' => 's7',
'cawiki' => 's7',
'viwiki' => 's7',
'fawiki' => 's7',
'rowiki' => 's7',
'kowiki' => 's7',

# s8: wikidata
'wikidatawiki' => 's8',

# Wikitech test wiki
'labtestwiki' => 's11',

# Load lists
# Masters should be in slot [0].
# All servers for which replication lag matters should be in the load
# list, not commented out, because otherwise maintenance scripts such
# as compressOld.php won't wait for those servers when they lag.
# Conversely, all servers which are down or do not replicate should be
# removed, not set to load zero, because there are certain situations
# when load zero servers will be used, such as if the others are lagged.
# Servers which are down should be removed to avoid a timeout overhead
# per invocation.
# Additionally, if a server should not to be lagged (for example,
# an api node, or a recentchanges node, set the load to at least 1.
# This will make the node be taken into account on the wait for lag
# function (the master is not included, as by definition has lag 0).
# LOOKING FOR THE LOAD LISTS? They no longer live in the PHP configs.
# Instead try https://noc.wikimedia.org/db.php?dc=eqiad,
# https://noc.wikimedia.org/db.php?dc=codfw,
# https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/eqiad.json
# https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/codfw.json
# For more info see also https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/dbctl

'serverTemplate' => [
'dbname' => $wgDBname,
'user' => $wgDBuser,
'password' => $wgDBpassword,
'type' => 'mysql',
'flags' => DBO_DEFAULT | ( $wgDebugDumpSql ? DBO_DEBUG : 0 ),
// should be safely less than $wgCdnReboundPurgeDelay
'max lag' => 6,
'useGTIDs' => true,
'lagDetectionMethod' => 'pt-heartbeat',
'variables' => [
'innodb_lock_wait_timeout' => 15

'templateOverridesBySection' => [
's1' => [
'lagDetectionOptions' => [
'conds' => [ 'shard' => 's1', 'datacenter' => $wmgMasterDatacenter ]
's2' => [
'lagDetectionOptions' => [
'conds' => [ 'shard' => 's2', 'datacenter' => $wmgMasterDatacenter ]
// Default is s3
'DEFAULT' => [
'lagDetectionOptions' => [
'conds' => [ 'shard' => 's3', 'datacenter' => $wmgMasterDatacenter ]
's4' => [
'lagDetectionOptions' => [
'conds' => [ 'shard' => 's4', 'datacenter' => $wmgMasterDatacenter ]
's5' => [
'lagDetectionOptions' => [
'conds' => [ 'shard' => 's5', 'datacenter' => $wmgMasterDatacenter ]
's6' => [
'lagDetectionOptions' => [
'conds' => [ 'shard' => 's6', 'datacenter' => $wmgMasterDatacenter ]
's7' => [
'lagDetectionOptions' => [
'conds' => [ 'shard' => 's7', 'datacenter' => $wmgMasterDatacenter ]
's8' => [
'lagDetectionOptions' => [
'conds' => [ 'shard' => 's8', 'datacenter' => $wmgMasterDatacenter ]

# LOOKING FOR GROUP LOADS? They no longer live in the PHP configs.
# Instead try https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/eqiad.json
# and https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/codfw.json
# For more info see also https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/dbctl

'groupLoadsByDB' => [],

# LOOKING FOR HOSTS BY NAME? They no longer live in the PHP configs.
# Instead try https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/eqiad.json
# and https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/codfw.json
# For more info see also https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/dbctl
'hostsByName' => [],

# LOOKING FOR EXTERNAL LOADS? They no longer live in the PHP configs.
# Instead try https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/eqiad.json (see es1/es2/es3/x1)
# and https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/codfw.json
# For more info see also https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/dbctl
'externalLoads' => [],

'masterTemplateOverrides' => [
'ssl' => $wmgDatacenter !== $wmgMasterDatacenter

'externalTemplateOverrides' => [
// No transactions
'flags' => $wgDebugDumpSql ? DBO_DEBUG : 0,
// no pt-heartbeat
'lagDetectionMethod' => 'Seconds_Behind_Master',
// bump threshold for circuit breaking
'loadMonitor' => [ 'class' => '\Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadMonitor', 'maxConnCount' => 500 ],

'templateOverridesByCluster' => [
'rc1' => [ 'is static' => true ],
'cluster1' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster1', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster2' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster2', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster3' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster3', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster4' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster4', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster5' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster5', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster6' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster6', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster7' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster7', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster8' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster8', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster9' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster9', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster10' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster10', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster20' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster20', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster21' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster21', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster22' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster22', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster23' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster23', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster24' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster24', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster25' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster25', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster26' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster26', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster27' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster27', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster28' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster28', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster29' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster29', 'is static' => true ],
'cluster30' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster30' ],
'cluster31' => [ 'blobs table' => 'blobs_cluster31' ],

# This key must exist for the master switch script to work, which means comment and uncomment
# the individual shards, but leave the 'readOnlyBySection' => [ ], alone.
# When going read only, please change the comment to something appropiate (like a brief idea
# of what is happening, with a wiki link for further explanation. Avoid linking to external
# infrastructure if possible (IRC, other webpages) or infrastructure not prepared to absorve
# large traffic (phabricator) because they tend to collapse. A meta page would be appropiate.
# Also keep these read only messages if eqiad is not the active dc, to prevent accidental writes
# getting trasmmitted from codfw to eqiad when the master dc is eqiad.
'readOnlyBySection' => [
# LOOKING FOR READONLY SECTIONS? They no longer live in the PHP configs.
# Instead try https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/eqiad.json
# and https://noc.wikimedia.org/dbconfig/codfw.json
# For more info see also https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/dbctl


$wgDefaultExternalStore = [