« PoolCounterSettings.php

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if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
1 );

$wgPoolCounterConf = [
'ArticleView' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 15,
'workers' => 2,
'maxqueue' => 100,
// T250248
'fastStale' => true,
'CirrusSearch-Search' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 15,
'workers' => 200,
'maxqueue' => 200,
// Software tries to recognize sources of external automation, such as GAE,
// AWS, browser automation, etc. and give them a separate pool so they
// can cap out without interfering with interactive users.
'CirrusSearch-Automated' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 15,
'workers' => 30,
'maxqueue' => 35,
// Super common and mostly fast
'CirrusSearch-Prefix' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 15,
'workers' => 32,
'maxqueue' => 40,
// Super common and mostly fast, replaces Prefix (eventually)
'CirrusSearch-Completion' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 15,
'workers' => 432,
'maxqueue' => 450,
// Regex searches are much heavier then regular searches so we limit the
// concurrent number.
'CirrusSearch-Regex' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 60,
'workers' => 10,
'maxqueue' => 15,
// These should be very very fast
'CirrusSearch-NamespaceLookup' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 5,
'workers' => 100,
'maxqueue' => 120,
// These are very expensive and incredibly common at more than 5M per hour
// before varnish caching. If the somehow the cache hit rate drops this
// protects the cluster
// NOTE: This is an increase from typical sizing to handle the expected
// empty more_like cache on switchover from eqiad->codfw.
'CirrusSearch-MoreLike' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 5,
'workers' => 150,
'maxqueue' => 175,
'FileRender' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 8,
'workers' => 2,
'maxqueue' => 100
'FileRenderExpensive' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 8,
'workers' => 2,
'slots' => 8,
'maxqueue' => 100
'SpecialContributions' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 15,
'workers' => 2,
'maxqueue' => 25,
'TranslateFetchTranslators' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 8,
'workers' => 1,
'slots' => 16,
'maxqueue' => 20,
'WikiLambdaFunctionCall' => [
'class' => 'PoolCounter_Client',
'timeout' => 1,
'workers' => 2,
'maxqueue' => 5,
'slots' => 50,

$wgPoolCountClientConf = [
'servers' => $wmgLocalServices['poolcounter'],
'timeout' => 0.5,
'connect_timeout' => 0.01