« MobileUrlCallback.php

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// Used in CommonSettings.php. Split into a separate file so it can be tested.

* Desktop domain to mobile domain conversion.
* Usually www.* becomes m.*, for everything else an 'm' is inserted after the first segment.
* E.g.
* www.wikidata.org -> m.wikidata.org
* en.wikipedia.org -> en.m.wikipedia.org
* meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org
* -> meta.m.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org
* There are several exceptions that need to be special-cased:
* - Domains that do not have a www prefix, so they just get m. added to the front:
* wikisource.org, and beta Wikidata and Wikifunctions (beta does not use www prefixes)
* - Domains that do not have a mobile version: Wikitech and the shared auth domain (not a wiki).
* These mobile URL rules are manually mirrored by the following codebases.
* If you change these rules, please notify the appropriate code stewards.
* 1. Varnish mobile URL redirection
* steward: WMF SRE Traffic
* Phabricator tag: #Traffic
* https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/operations/puppet/+/production/modules/varnish/templates/text-frontend.inc.vcl.erb
* 2. Canonical wiki dataset
* steward: WMF Movement Insights
* Phabricator tag: #Movement-Insights
* https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/movement-insights/canonical-data/-/blob/main/wiki/generate.ipynb
* If you need a history of changes, previously these rules lived under
* $wgMobileUrlTemplate in InitialiseSettings.php.
function wmfMobileUrlCallback( string $domain ): string {
$specialCases = [
'wikisource.org' => 'm.wikisource.org',
'wikidata.beta.wmflabs.org' => 'm.wikidata.beta.wmflabs.org',
'wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org' => 'm.wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org',
'wikitech.wikimedia.org' => false,
// No mobile version for authentication-related domains,
// we don't want to split cookies
'login.wikimedia.org' => false,
'login.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org' => false,
'auth.wikimedia.org' => false,
'auth.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org' => false,
if ( isset(
$specialCases[$domain] ) ) {
$specialCases[$domain] ?: $domain;

$domainParts = explode( '.', $domain );
if (
$domainParts[0] === 'www' ) {
$domainParts[0] = 'm';
} else {
array_splice( $domainParts, 1, 0, [ 'm' ] );
implode( '.', $domainParts );