« CommonSettings-labs.php

code reviewgit-loggit-blameraw text

# WARNING: This file is publicly viewable on the web. Do not put private data here.

# This file holds common overrides specific to Beta Cluster.
# For per-wiki overrides, see InitialiseSettings-labs.php.
# This for BETA and MUST NOT be loaded for production.
# Effective load order:
# - multiversion
# - mediawiki/DefaultSettings.php
# - wmf-config/*Services.php
# - wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php
# - wmf-config/InitialiseSettings-labs.php
# - wmf-config/CommonSettings.php
# - wmf-config/CommonSettings-labs.php [THIS FILE]
# Included from: wmf-config/CommonSettings.php.

use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\Push\PushNotifier;

// safe guard
if ( $wmgRealm == 'labs' ) {

// temporary workaround for T349944
$wgStatsdServer = false;

$wmgAddWikiNotify = false;

# Use a different address from the production one - T192686
$wgPasswordSender = 'wiki@wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org';

# Use a different site name (T181908)
$wgSitename = "Beta $wgSitename";

// Password policies; see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Password_policy
$wmgPrivilegedPolicy = [
'MinimalPasswordLength' => [ 'value' => 10, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ],
'MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin' => [ 'value' => 1, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ],
'PasswordNotInCommonList' => [ 'value' => true, 'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true ],
foreach (
$wmgPrivilegedGroups as $group ) {
// On non-SUL wikis this is the effective password policy. On SUL wikis, it will be overridden
// in the PasswordPoliciesForUser hook, but still needed for Special:PasswordPolicies
if ( $group === 'user' ) {
// For e.g. private and fishbowl wikis; covers 'user' in password policies
$group = 'default';
$wgPasswordPolicy['policies'][$group] = array_merge(
$wgPasswordPolicy['policies'][$group] ?? [],

$wgPasswordPolicy['policies']['default']['MinimalPasswordLength'] = [
'value' => 8,
'suggestChangeOnLogin' => false,

if (
$wmgUseCentralAuth ) {
// Enforce password policy when users login on other wikis; also for sensitive global groups
// FIXME does this just duplicate the global policy checks down in the main $wmgUseCentralAuth block?
$wgHooks['PasswordPoliciesForUser'][] = static function ( User $user, array &$effectivePolicy ) use ( $wmgPrivilegedPolicy ) {
$privilegedGroups = wmfGetPrivilegedGroups( $user );
if (
$privilegedGroups ) {
$effectivePolicy = UserPasswordPolicy::maxOfPolicies( $effectivePolicy, $wmgPrivilegedPolicy );
if (
in_array( 'staff', $privilegedGroups, true ) ) {
$effectivePolicy['MinimumPasswordLengthToLogin'] = [
'value' => 10,
'suggestChangeOnLogin' => true,

// Allows automatic account vanishing (for qualifying users)
$wgCentralAuthAutomaticVanishPerformer = 'AccountVanishRequests';
$wgCentralAuthRejectVanishUserNotification = 'AccountVanishRequests';

// Configuration for guidance given to blocked users when requesting vanishing
$wgCentralAuthBlockAppealWikidataIds = [ "Q13360396", "Q175291" ];
$wgCentralAuthWikidataApiUrl = "https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php";
$wgCentralAuthFallbackAppealUrl = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Appealing_a_block";
$wgCentralAuthFallbackAppealTitle = "Wikipedia:Appealing a block";

$wgLocalVirtualHosts = [

// new wmcloud instances

# Attempt to auto block users using faulty servers
# See also http://www.us.sorbs.net/general/using.shtml
$wgEnableDnsBlacklist = true;
$wgDnsBlacklistUrls = [

if (
$wmgUseGlobalPreferences ) {
// Allow global preferences for email-blacklist to be auto-set where it is overridden
// T231577
$wgGlobalPreferencesAutoPrefs = [

if (
$wmgUseFlow ) {
// Override CommonSettings.php, which has:
// $wgFlowExternalStore = $wgDefaultExternalStore;
$wgFlowExternalStore = [

$wgExtraNamespaces += [
190 => 'Flow_test',
191 => 'Flow_test_talk',

$wgNamespacesWithSubpages += [
190 => true,
191 => true,

$wgNamespaceContentModels[ 191 ] = 'flow-board';

if (
$wmgUseFileExporter ) {
$wgFileExporterTarget = 'https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:ImportFile';

if (
$wmgUseContentTranslation ) {
$wgContentTranslationSiteTemplates['cx'] = 'https://cxserver-beta.wmcloud.org/v1';
$wgContentTranslationSiteTemplates['cookieDomain'] = false;
$wgContentTranslationTranslateInTarget = false;

if (
$wmgUseIPInfo ) {
// This allows admins on beta to test the feature.
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['ipinfo'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['ipinfo-view-basic'] = true;

if (
$wmgUseCentralNotice ) {
// Emit CSP headers on banner previews. This can go away when full CSP
// support (T135963) is deployed.
// www.pages04.net and app.goacoustic.com are used by Wikimedia Fundraising to enable 'remind me later' banner functionality, which submits email addresses or phone numbers to our email campaign vendor
$wgCentralNoticeContentSecurityPolicy = "script-src 'unsafe-eval' blob: 'self' meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org *.wikimedia.org *.wikipedia.org *.wikinews.org *.wiktionary.org *.wikibooks.org *.wikiversity.org *.wikisource.org wikisource.org *.wikiquote.org *.wikidata.org *.wikivoyage.org *.mediawiki.org 'unsafe-inline'; default-src 'self' data: blob: https://upload.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org upload.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org https://upload.wikimedia.org https://commons.wikimedia.org meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org *.wikimedia.org *.wikipedia.org *.wikinews.org *.wiktionary.org *.wikibooks.org *.wikiversity.org *.wikisource.org wikisource.org *.wikiquote.org *.wikidata.org *.wikivoyage.org *.mediawiki.org wikimedia.org www.pages04.net; style-src 'self' data: blob: https://upload.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org upload.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org https://wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org https://upload.wikimedia.org https://commons.wikimedia.org meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org *.wikimedia.org *.wikipedia.org *.wikinews.org *.wiktionary.org *.wikibooks.org *.wikiversity.org *.wikisource.org wikisource.org *.wikiquote.org *.wikidata.org *.wikivoyage.org *.wikifunctions.org *.mediawiki.org wikimedia.org 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src 'self' data: blob: https://upload.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org upload.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org https://upload.wikimedia.org https://commons.wikimedia.org meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org *.wikimedia.org *.wikipedia.org *.wikinews.org *.wiktionary.org *.wikibooks.org *.wikiversity.org *.wikisource.org wikisource.org *.wikiquote.org *.wikidata.org *.wikivoyage.org *.mediawiki.org wikimedia.org www.pages04.net app.goacoustic.com;";

if (
$wmgUseCite ) {
// Temporary until we deploy to production, T236894
$wgCiteBookReferencing = true;

// Labs override for GlobalCssJs
if ( $wmgUseGlobalCssJs && $wmgUseCentralAuth ) {
// Load from betalabs metawiki
$wgResourceLoaderSources['metawiki'] = [
'apiScript' => '//meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/api.php',
'loadScript' => '//meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/load.php',

if (
$wmgUseGlobalUserPage && $wmgUseCentralAuth ) {
// Labs override
$wgGlobalUserPageAPIUrl = 'https://meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/api.php';
$wgGlobalUserPageDBname = 'metawiki';

if (
$wmgUseUrlShortener ) {
// Labs overrides
$wgUrlShortenerReadOnly = false;
$wgUrlShortenerServer = 'w-beta.wmflabs.org';
$wgUrlShortenerDBCluster = false;
$wgUrlShortenerDBName = 'wikishared';
$wgUrlShortenerEnableSidebar = true;
$wgUrlShortenerAllowedDomains = [
// wmcloud.org domains
$wgUrlShortenerApprovedDomains = [
// wmcloud.org domains

// Labs override for BounceHandler
if ( $wmgUseBounceHandler ) {
// $wgVERPsecret = ''; // This was set in PrivateSettings.php by Legoktm
$wgBounceHandlerCluster = false;
$wgBounceHandlerSharedDB = false;
// deployment-mx03.deployment-prep.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud
$wgBounceHandlerInternalIPs = [ '', '::1', '' ];
$wgBounceHandlerUnconfirmUsers = true;
$wgBounceRecordLimit = 5;
$wgVERPdomainPart = 'beta.wmflabs.org';

if (
$wmgUseTimedMediaHandler ) {
$wgMwEmbedModuleConfig[ 'MediaWiki.ApiProviders' ] = [
"commons" => [ 'url' => '//commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/api.php' ]
// enable transcoding on labs
$wgEnableTranscode = true;
// use new ffmpeg build w/ VP9 & Opus support
$wgFFmpegLocation = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg';

// Enable Flickr uploads on commons beta T86120
if ( $wgDBname == 'commonswiki' ) {
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['upload'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['upload_by_url'] = true;
} else {
// Use InstantCommons on all betawikis except commonswiki
$wgUseInstantCommons = true;

if (
$wmgUseJsonConfig ) {
// T374746 cache invalidation issues for globaljsonlinks;
// globaljsonlinks* shared tables are not live on beta cluster
// as of 2024-11-14.
// Override the enabling for testwiki and testcommonswiki
// so their beta equivalents can run without breaking links
// updates and cache invalidation propagation.
$wgTrackGlobalJsonLinks = false;

if (
$wmgEnableJsonConfigDataMode && $wgDBname !== 'commonswiki' ) {

// Enable Tabular data namespace on Commons - T148745
$wgJsonConfigs['Tabular.JsonConfig']['remote']['url'] = 'https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/api.php';

// Enable Map (GeoJSON) data namespace on Commons - T149548
$wgJsonConfigs['Map.JsonConfig']['remote']['url'] = 'https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/api.php';

if (
$wmgUseMath ) {
$wgMathValidModes = [ 'source', 'mathml', 'native', 'mathjax' ];
$wgDefaultUserOptions[ 'math' ] = 'native';
$wgMathEnableFormulaLinks = true;
$wgMathWikibasePropertyIdHasPart = 'P253104';
$wgMathWikibasePropertyIdDefiningFormula = 'P253105';
$wgMathWikibasePropertyIdQuantitySymbol = 'P253106';
$wgMathWikibasePropertyIdInDefiningFormula = 'P253157';
$wgMathWikibasePropertyIdSymbolRepresents = 'P253158';

// CORS (cross-domain AJAX, T22814)
// This lists the domains that are accepted as *origins* of CORS requests
// DO NOT add domains here that aren't WMF wikis unless you really know what you're doing
if ( $wmgUseCORS ) {
$wgCrossSiteAJAXdomains = [

// Temporary override to test T68699 on Beta Cluster. Remove when in production.
$wgExtendedLoginCookieExpiration = 365 * 86400;

if (
$wmgUseCollection ) {
$wgCollectionPortletFormats[] = 'rdf2text';
// Don't use production proxy to reach PediaPress
$wgCollectionCommandToServeURL[ 'zip_post' ] = 'https://pediapress.com/wmfup/';

if (
$wmgUseEcho ) {
$wgEchoNotifiers['push'] = [ PushNotifier::class, 'notifyWithPush' ];
$wgDefaultNotifyTypeAvailability['push'] = true;
$wgNotifyTypeAvailabilityByCategory['system']['push'] = false;
$wgNotifyTypeAvailabilityByCategory['system-noemail']['push'] = false;

// Temporarily enable conditional defaults for Echo properties (T353225)
$wgConditionalUserOptions['echo-subscriptions-web-reverted'] = [
CUDCOND_AFTER, '20130501000000' ]
$wgConditionalUserOptions['echo-subscriptions-web-article-linked'] =
$wgConditionalUserOptions['echo-subscriptions-email-mention'] =
$wgConditionalUserOptions['echo-subscriptions-email-article-linked'] = [
CUDCOND_AFTER, '20130501000000' ]

if (
$wmgUseEcho && $wmgUseCentralAuth ) {
$wgEchoSharedTrackingDB = 'wikishared';
// Set cluster back to false, to override CommonSettings.php setting it to 'extension1'
$wgEchoSharedTrackingCluster = false;

// Enabling thank-you-edit on beta for testing T128249. Still disabled in prod.
$wgEchoNotifications['thank-you-edit']['notify-type-availability']['web'] = true;

// Enabling article-reminder on beta for testing T166973. Still disabled in prod.
$wgAllowArticleReminderNotification = true;

if (
$wmgUseGraph ) {
// **** THIS LIST MUST MATCH puppet/blob/production/hieradata/cloud/eqiad1/deployment-prep/common.yaml ****
// See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Graph#External_data
$wgGraphAllowedDomains = [
'http' => [
'https' => [
'wikirawupload' => [
'wikidatasparql' => [
'geoshape' => [

if (
$wmgUseMediaModeration ) {
$wgVirtualDomainsMapping['virtual-mediamoderation'] = [ 'db' => false ];

if (
$wmgUseORES ) {
$wgOresBaseUrl = 'https://ores-beta.wmflabs.org/';
$wgOresLiftWingBaseUrl = 'https://api.wikimedia.org/service/lw/inference/';

if (
$wmgUseUniversalLanguageSelector ) {
$wgDefaultUserOptions['compact-language-links'] = 0;

$wgLoginNotifyAttemptsKnownIP = 10;
$wgLoginNotifyAttemptsNewIP = 1;

if (
$wmgUseTwoColConflict ) {
$wgTwoColConflictBetaFeature = false;

if (
$wmgUseFileImporter ) {
// Beta commons references configuration files hosted locally.
// Note that beta testwiki will continue to fetch its configuration from production mw.org .
if ( $wgDBname == 'commonswiki' ) {
$wgFileImporterCommonsHelperServer = 'https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org';
$wgFileImporterCommonsHelperBasePageName = 'Extension:FileImporter/Data/';
$wgFileImporterCommonsHelperHelpPage = 'https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Extension:FileImporter/Data';
$wgFileImporterWikidataEntityEndpoint = 'https://wikidata.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/';
$wgFileImporterWikidataNowCommonsEntity = 'Q531650';

$wgFileImporterCodexMode = true;

if (
$wmgUseEventBus ) {
$wgEventBusEnableRunJobAPI = true;

if (
$wmgUseStopForumSpam ) {
wfLoadExtension( 'StopForumSpam' );
$wgSFSIPListLocation = 'https://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/listed_ip_90_ipv46_all.gz';
$wgSFSIPListLocationMD5 = 'https://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/listed_ip_90_ipv46_all.gz.md5';

$wgMessageCacheType = CACHE_ACCEL;

// This will work for most wikis, which is considered good enough.
$wgPageViewInfoWikimediaDomain = "$lang.$site.org";
$wgPageViewInfoWikimediaEndpoint = 'https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1';

if (
$wmgUseGrowthExperiments ) {
$wgGERestbaseUrl = $wgGERestbaseUrl ?: "https://$lang.$site.org/api/rest_v1";
// Overrides CommonSettings.php which would use LabsServices.php,
// but we can't use variables there.
$wgGEImageRecommendationServiceUrl = "https://$lang.$site.org/w/api.php";

// Let Beta Cluster Commons do upload-from-URL from production Commons.
if ( $wgDBname == 'commonswiki' ) {
$wgCopyUploadsDomains[] = 'upload.wikimedia.org';

// Turn off exact search match redirects on beta commons
if ( $wgDBname == 'commonswiki' ) {
$wgDefaultUserOptions['search-match-redirect'] = false;

if (
$wmgUseWikimediaApiPortalOAuth ) {
$wgWikimediaApiPortalOAuthMetaApiURL = 'https://meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/api.php';
$wgWikimediaApiPortalOAuthMetaRestURL = 'https://meta.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/rest.php';

// Test of new import source configuration on labs cluster
$wgImportSources = [];
__DIR__ . '/import.php';
$wgHooks['ImportSources'][] = 'wmfImportSources';

wfLoadExtension( 'Parsoid', "$IP/vendor/wikimedia/parsoid/extension.json" );

// Enable ChessBrowser extension, see T244075
if ( $wmgUseChessBrowser ) {
wfLoadExtension( 'ChessBrowser' );

// SecurePoll -- do not let users to view PII
if ( $wmgUseSecurePoll ) {
foreach (
$wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions ) {
if (
array_key_exists( 'securepoll-view-voter-pii', $permissions ) ) {
$wgGroupPermissions[$group]['securepoll-view-voter-pii'] = false;

// Point to the deployment-prep kartotherian server, see T310150.
$wgKartographerMapServer = 'https://maps-beta.wmflabs.org';

// Enable max-width for editing. T307725.
$wgVectorMaxWidthOptions['exclude']['querystring']['action'] = '(history|edit)';

// T360098 - change Vector font-size for anons, existing named users or newly created users.
$wgDefaultUserOptions['vector-font-size'] = 1;
$wgConditionalUserOptions['vector-font-size'] = [
1, [ CUDCOND_AFTER, '20240409000000' ] ],

if (
$wmgUseCampaignEvents ) {
// Use wikishared for all wikis, unlike production
$wgVirtualDomainsMapping['virtual-campaignevents'] = [
'cluster' => 'extension1',
'db' => 'wikishared',
$wgCampaignEventsProgramsAndEventsDashboardInstance = 'staging';
$wgWikimediaCampaignEventsFluxxBaseUrl = 'https://wmf.preprod.fluxxlabs.com/api/rest/v2/';
$wgWikimediaCampaignEventsFluxxOauthUrl = 'https://wmf.preprod.fluxxlabs.com/oauth/token';
$wgWikimediaCampaignEventsSparqlEndpoint = 'https://query-main.wikidata.org/sparql';
// Re-add rights removed in the production config
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['campaignevents-enable-registration'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['campaignevents-organize-events'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['campaignevents-email-participants'] = true;
// This group is not needed in beta. Redundant entries in wgAddGroups and
// wgRemoveGroups are harmless.
unset( $wgGroupPermissions['event-organizer'] );

// Ignore parameter order when matching request URLs to CDN URLs (T314868)
$wgCdnMatchParameterOrder = false;

// T314294
if ( $wmgUsePhonos ) {
wfLoadExtension( 'Phonos' );
// $wgPhonosApiKeyGoogle in PrivateSettings
$wgPhonosEngine = 'google';
$wgPhonosFileBackend = 'global-multiwrite';

// T364034
if ( $wmgUseAutoModerator ) {
$wgAutoModeratorLiftWingBaseUrl = 'https://api.wikimedia.org/service/lw/inference/v1/models/';
$wgAutoModeratorLiftWingAddHostHeader = false;

// T369945
if ( $wmgUseChart ) {
wfLoadExtension( 'Chart' );
$wgChartServiceUrl = $wmgLocalServices['chart-renderer'];

// Set up chart pages with JsonConfig
$wgJsonConfigModels['Chart.JsonConfig'] = 'MediaWiki\Extension\Chart\JCChartContent';
$wgJsonConfigs['Chart.JsonConfig'] = [
'namespace' => 486,
'nsName' => 'Data',
// page name must end in ".chart", and contain at least one symbol
'pattern' => '/.\.chart$/',
'license' => 'CC0-1.0',
// allows the cache keys to be shared between wikis
'isLocal' => false,
'cacheKey' => 'commonswiki',

if (
$wgDBname === 'commonswiki' ) {
$wgJsonConfigs['Chart.JsonConfig']['store'] = true;
} else {
$wgJsonConfigs['Chart.JsonConfig']['remote'] = [
'url' => 'https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/api.php'

// Tabular data pages are already set up with JsonConfig through $wmgEnableJsonConfigDataMode

// T372527
if ( $wmgUseCommunityRequests ) {
wfLoadExtension( 'CommunityRequests' );

// IP Masking / Temporary accounts
// Revert the changes made by CommonSettings.php, as some temporary accounts on betawikis start with '*'.
$wgAutoCreateTempUser['matchPattern'] = [ '*$1', '~2$1' ];

// Remove any references to the checkuser-temporary-account-viewer group on the beta clusters, as this group
// is only present when CheckUser is installed. As it is not installed, we should remove the group and
// the auto-promotion conditions for the group.
unset( $wgAutopromoteOnce['onEdit']['checkuser-temporary-account-viewer'] );
$wgGroupPermissions['checkuser-temporary-account-viewer'] );

// Jade was undeployed as part of T281430, and content is being cleaned up as part of T345874
$wgContentHandlers['JadeEntity'] = 'FallbackContentHandler';
$wgContentHandlers['JadeJudgment'] = 'FallbackContentHandler';

$wgBlockTargetMigrationStage = SCHEMA_COMPAT_NEW;

// No restrictions in test environment to facilitate testing.
$wgMinervaNightModeOptions['exclude']['querystring'] = [];
$wgMinervaNightModeOptions['exclude']['namespaces'] = [];
$wgMinervaNightModeOptions['exclude']['pagetitles'] = [];
$wgVectorNightModeOptions = $wgMinervaNightModeOptions;

// show new donate link in beta for QA and testing
$wgWikimediaMessagesAnonDonateLink = true;

if (
$wmgUseNetworkSession ) {
$wgNetworkSessionProviderUsers = [
'username' => 'networksession_testuser',
'ip_ranges' => [
// Derived from modules/network/data/data.yaml in
// operations/puppet for cloud networks. This is not protecting
// anything, all anon's have read access anyways, this is to
// demonstrate it working in one place but not another.
// In normal operation token would be secret, but for labs
// it only allows reading via api, which is already possible
// with anon, meaning this protects nothing. It does still
// demonstrate the functionality.
'token' => 'networksession-testuser-token',

// Community configuration
if ( $wmgUseCommunityConfiguration ) {
$wgCommunityConfigurationCommonsApiURL = 'https://commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/w/api.php';

// T377988
if (
$wgDBname === 'commonswiki' &&
$wmgUseUploadWizard &&
) {
$wgUploadWizardConfig['wikibase']['properties'] = [
'date' => 'P253152',
'source' => 'P253153',
'operator' => 'P253154',
'described_at_url' => 'P253095',
$wgUploadWizardConfig['wikibase']['items'] = [
'file_available_on_the_internet' => 'Q631353',
$wgUploadWizardConfig['sourceStringToWikidataIdMapping'] = [
'facebook' => 'Q631354',
'google' => 'Q631355',
'youtube' => 'Q631356',
// end safeguard