« CirrusSearch-production.php

code reviewgit-loggit-blameraw text

# WARNING: This file is publicly viewable on the web. Do not put private data here.

# This file holds the CirrusSearch configuration which is specific
# to the 'production' realm.
# NOTE: Included for all wikis.
# Load tree:
# |-- wmf-config/CommonSettings.php
# |
# `-- wmf-config/CirrusSearch-common.php
# |
# `-- wmf-config/CirrusSearch-production.php

$wgCirrusSearchClusters = [
'eqiad-chi' => $wmgAllServices['eqiad']['search-chi'] + [ 'group' => 'chi', 'replica' => 'eqiad' ],
'codfw-chi' => $wmgAllServices['codfw']['search-chi'] + [ 'group' => 'chi', 'replica' => 'codfw' ],
'cloudelastic-chi' => $wmgAllServices['eqiad']['cloudelastic-chi'] + [ 'group' => 'chi', 'replica' => 'cloudelastic' ],
'eqiad-psi' => $wmgAllServices['eqiad']['search-psi'] + [ 'group' => 'psi', 'replica' => 'eqiad' ],
'codfw-psi' => $wmgAllServices['codfw']['search-psi'] + [ 'group' => 'psi', 'replica' => 'codfw' ],
'cloudelastic-psi' => $wmgAllServices['eqiad']['cloudelastic-psi'] + [ 'group' => 'psi', 'replica' => 'cloudelastic' ],
'eqiad-omega' => $wmgAllServices['eqiad']['search-omega'] + [ 'group' => 'omega', 'replica' => 'eqiad' ],
'codfw-omega' => $wmgAllServices['codfw']['search-omega'] + [ 'group' => 'omega', 'replica' => 'codfw' ],
'cloudelastic-omega' => $wmgAllServices['eqiad']['cloudelastic-omega'] + [ 'group' => 'omega', 'replica' => 'cloudelastic' ],

if (
$wmgPrivateWiki ) {

// wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexes is set in CirrusSearch-common.php
if ( isset( $wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexes[NS_FILE] ) ) {
$wgCirrusSearchExtraIndexes[NS_FILE] = [ 'chi:commonswiki_file' ];

// The default configuration is a single-cluster configuration, expand
// that here into the necessary multi-cluster config
$wgCirrusSearchShardCount = [
'eqiad' => $wmgCirrusSearchShardCount,
'codfw' => $wmgCirrusSearchShardCount,
'cloudelastic' => $wmgCirrusSearchShardCount,

$wgCirrusSearchDropDelayedJobsAfter = [
'eqiad' => $wgCirrusSearchDropDelayedJobsAfter,
'codfw' => $wgCirrusSearchDropDelayedJobsAfter,
// cloudelastic jobs are dropped after 15 minutes, it is not as important as prod services
// and can be backfilled as necessary.
'cloudelastic' => 900,

// T295705#7719071 Reduce write isolation to only cloudelastic to reduce job queue rates
$wgCirrusSearchWriteIsolateClusters = [ 'cloudelastic' ];
$wgCirrusSearchElasticaWritePartitionCounts = [ 'cloudelastic' => 3 ];