How to write tests for MediaWiki with PHPUnit?

Ashar 'hashar' Voultoiz

¿MediaWiki hacker?

Getting PHPUnit

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MediaWiki PHPUnit test suite

Some words about MediaWiki tests:

Caution: tests are run against your live database.

MakeFile comes with several self documented helpers

Example next slide -->

makefile target example

Example using target 'databaseless':

$ make databaseless
php phpunit.php -c tests/phpunit/suite.xml \
 --exclude-group Broken, Destructive, Database, Stub

PHPUnit 3.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.

ISSSSSS............I...IIIIIIIIIIIIIII.......................   61 / 1629 (  3%)
.............................................................  122 / 1629 (  7%)
.............................................................  183 / 1629 ( 11%)


.............................................................  671 / 1629 ( 41%)
..EEEEEEEE...................................................  732 / 1629 ( 44%)
............S................................................  793 / 1629 ( 48%)

I: incomplete test
S: skipped test
E: error test
.: successful 


As a footer, PHPUnit provides useful metrics:

Time: 22 seconds, Memory: 60.00Mb
Tests: 827, Assertions: 74034, Failures: 1,
Errors: 8, Incomplete: 34, Skipped: 7.

More output options aimed at different publics:

--tap for perl hackers

--testdox for the product manager

Where do we need tests?

Note: coverage requires the xdebug extension

Coverage for phase3/includes

Coverage for includes/xml.php

Writing tests


class DumbClassTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
	function testDumbest() {
		// your code there

To add a test, just add a method whose name begins by 'test'

A dummy test

Lets test MediaWiki XmlSelect:getAttribute()

Edit phase3/tests/phpunit/includes/XmlSelectTest.php

Add a new method:

public function testGetAttributes() {
 $this->select->setAttribute( 1911, 'razor' );
    $this->select->getAttribute( '1911' ), # code
    null,  # expected result

Testing test result

Lets test testGetAttributes() from the previous slide

$ php phpunit.php --filter testGetAttributes
PHPUnit 3.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 1 second, Memory: 26.75Mb
There was 1 failure:

1) XmlSelectTest::testGetAttributes
Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
// the usual diff:
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@

Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1.

Fixing code or test

Fix the code or the test!

In this case the test is wrong, here is the patch:

$this->select->setAttribute( 1911, 'razor' );
     $this->select->getAttribute( '1911' ), # code
-    null,  # expected result
+    'razor',  # expected result

Fixing a test but still having wrong code is not a good idea.

And you will end up in CR wall of shame.

Re run fixed test

$ php phpunit.php --filter testGetAttributes
PHPUnit 3.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
.    <--- LOOKS GREAT!

Time: 1 second, Memory: 26.50Mb

OK (1 test, 1 assertions)
Committing a failing test is fine if:

Verify coverage

For those not sleeping yet. We rerun code coverage

$ php phpunit.php --filter testGetAttributes --coverage-html /tmp/XmlSel
PHPUnit 3.5.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 3 seconds, Memory: 29.00Mb

OK (1 test, 1 assertion)

Generating code coverage report, this may take a moment.

getAttribute() covered!

Verify line coverage

Looking at the code: everything is green:

Does anyone read titles?

Job done (see r87930)! Next.

Für questions: come to me after this session.